Official FiveM Extension for Visual Studio Code

Hello! An official FiveM extension for Visual Studio Code would be absolutely incredible

  1. Natives Autocomplete:
    Provide autocompletion for all FiveM natives to make coding faster and more accurate.
  2. Server and Client Context Awareness:
    When working in server or client directories/files, only suggest relevant natives. So, if you’re in a server file, you’ll only see server-side natives and vice versa.
  3. Event Linking:
    If you’ve registered a server-side event and then trigger it from the client using TriggerServerEvent, clicking on this in VSCode should take you directly to the registration point, and the same goes the other way around.
  4. Lua 5.4 Support:
    Ensure the extension supports Lua 5.4, including any new features and patches.
  5. Native Type Checking:
    To minimize errors, the extension should recognize and check native types. This would help catch potential issues, working well with tools like Error Lens.
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There is a VS Code extension pack made by @Tuncion that has support for native/framework auto-completion, docs and other stuff.
Though points 2 and 3 are missing.

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Hey i know but this is just a “pack” of extension, it’s using CfxLua, but still the extension don’t know when you are using client/server or allowing you to find a event by doing ctrl+click on it

I agree here Abdel-Ka, although my pack can already quite a lot and also for example my extension resource manager etc. integrates the whole thing already better BUT it will hopefully not remain a long-term solution. Visual Studio Code offers many more features than FiveM gives us for example I wish for a long time an attached, snapshot or local debugging. Unfortunately I haven’t had enough exposure to the FiveM structure to know if I can add these debug functions myself.

Sadly development of FXCode has been halted.

Did not know that there was such a thing at all, I look at the whole time possibly I can do magic there.

It has some really cool features, like the world editor, but lacks some stability and useful features. (Pretty much outdated as of now)

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Yeah lacks some stability and features, a lot of crashs, an extension is really good idea!