OC Menu

OC Menu is an adaptable and functional menu board.

- Adapted to ESX framework
- Trigger external script with a menu button
- Mini Job score board integrated
- Player ID integrated
- Easily change menu icons thanks to awesomefont.com
- Fresh and modern design
- Light weight script (resmon 0.01 ms)
- Updated continuously

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A basic knowledge of LUA scripting is required
in order to configure the menu to your liking
without breaking the script.

However, in the instruction file you will find
everything you need to know to be able to modify
the script without damaging it.

In any case, I am willing to give support
to those who need it, free of charge.

My Tebex link
Price: 5€

Feedback and suggestion are accepted!

Note: Working only with ESX framework


Thats look good. (Molto figo)

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It looks interesting.

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