NYX Graphic Visual - Version 2.0

:package: NYX Graphic Visual - Version 2.0
:art: Optimized for low-end PCs and easy installation!

NYX Graphic Visual (Server-Sided Version 2.0) is an advanced and optimized graphic mod for FiveM. This package is designed to enhance the visual quality of your server while maintaining excellent performance, even on low-end PCs.

Key Features:

  • :white_check_mark: Addon minimap for an improved navigation experience.
  • :white_check_mark: Organized structure with separate folders to minimize conflicts and improve flexibility.
  • :white_check_mark: Fully optimized textures to ensure smooth performance on all systems.
  • :white_check_mark: Quick and easy installation with detailed instructions included.

Performance and Technical Details:

  • :wrench: File Size: Lightweight and optimized for FiveM servers.
  • :control_knobs: LOD (Level of Detail): Includes detailed LOD adjustments to reduce resource consumption.
  • :framed_picture: Textures: High-quality, optimized textures (e.g., 512x512 and 256x256).
  • :zap: Performance: Designed to run smoothly on all systems without causing FPS drops.

Support and Compatibility:

  • :white_check_mark: Full support provided after purchase.
  • :white_check_mark: Documentation with step-by-step installation guidance included.
  • :white_check_mark: Compatible with all FiveM servers.

Links and Compliance:

Code Details

Feature Status
Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~3000
Requirements Compatible with FiveM servers
Support Yes

Asset Details

Feature Status
Assets are accessible No
Subscription-based No
Polygons (model and LOD) Optimized
Texture size and amount 512x512 (5x), 256x256 (3x)
Requirements Build 2372+
Support Yes

Map Details (if applicable):

Feature Status
Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Number of rooms N/A
Number of entities N/A
Requirements Compatible with FiveM servers
Support Yes
1 Like

Hey guys! What build does it work on?


Only 2372?

nah i mean (+)2372

2372 and above

isn’t this just nopixel visuals? or NVE? looks really similiar lol

  1. nyx_visual

  2. nyx-Graphics

  3. nyx-graphics-coastline

  4. nyx-graphics-trafficlights

  5. nyx-graphics-vegetation

  6. nyx-minimap

I mean its actually the same folders, renamed and for sure few settings changed. These days i really cant know that this is just selling leaking stuff.

Seems a bit strange to use my HUD in your video :joy:

1 Like

the man is just trying to cross sell his Echo inspired hud, cut him some slack :joy: