It’s a player based house system, each player may have a separate house, they can add/remove keys for other players
idle resmon is 0.00 - nearby is 0.05- 0.10
mysql async
Ox Inventory
ESX Menu Default (mine is different cause I use a reworked version)
I’m new to this, so if anyone can help to reduce the usage or improve it, I will gladly accept it.
otherwise please enjoy it.
If having a trouble with the script or with the installation. Or just have some idea or question:
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nice work
you need add Webhook Discord
For those who buy a house and build a house
If it were possible to have a job, officially or without, it would be realistically better
Hey, thanks for the feedback, I don’t find Discord Webhook too useful because it can only be used by admins, but
I will make it possible to have jobs, and I will update the script.
better to read about it/ look after it, but basically you have a database, if you in localhost and using xampp or smth it’s the mysql part, use phpmyadmin or heidisql, both are good, but yeah, if you don’t know these parts just read after it, there’s a lot of videos about it, cause i think I can’t explain more in writing detail sadly. Hope this can help you
There are a bunch of selectable interiors, none of which actually work. The one that always spawns I think is called midcity_aprtment (or similar). Does this resource come with those interiors or do we have to get them somewhere else?
Ok thanks. Another couple of questions if that’s ok. The first house I built had a garage, the others I built (although I created the garage location) don’t have a garage blip. Any ideas?
I notice also the interiors are on the map and existing (which is fine). If two players have the same interior at their houses, and they are in their houses at the same time, they won’t be ‘in’ the same place at the same time will they?
Really excellent resource. Just would love to get the garages working (was working, now not)
The garage XYZ is fine, but the height they are spawning at is wrong. If I copy the last set of numbers from a vector4, and then add them into the database next to “h” it then works and sets the correct height.
the garages don’t have any blips thats why it’s not showing, only marker, but if you want I can added this option.
Each player get different dimensions based on the house ID if they entered the house. And if exit the house, get in the 0 dimension which is the default
So the garage is working now?
for the garage part, x,y,z for the coordtination z is for height, and the h is stand for heading
That’s odd, I put the vec4 for the height in “h” and it corrects the height. I’ll try putting it into Z and see what happens. but yes the garages are working perfectly!