NUI/Input Different behaviors between "Mouse Input Method" settings

I was encountering an issue where my mouse input completely disregarded the NUI on top with active focus, and the game camera continued to move even when I moved my mouse in the frontend. After identifying the cause of this problem – the Mouse Input Method setting in the Game config was set to “DirectInput”.

I tested different values and observed some peculiar behaviors between these modes:

NUI resources that do not manually lock camera input keep moving. Even the opened console does not block camera movement in-game.

Raw Input:
Everything seems fine, but I noticed that the mouse input was capped to the game’s framerate instead of the display refresh rate, which makes the NUI feel less responsive when FPS drops slightly (or when they are significantly lower than the display refresh rate).

NUI resources that do not use SetNuiFocusKeepInput work fine, but if the NUI keeps input, the mouse position is forcefully reset to the center of the screen (you can move the mouse a little, but on the next tick, it’s recentered).

Issues when using DirectInput should be fixed with:

(Seems like that commit didn’t have the desired effect)