NOW OPEN! - Project Paradise RP | Custom Clothes | Active Staff | Custom Cars | Multiple Departments | QB-CORE | Endless RP Oppertunities

Project Paradise Roleplay - !!Now Open!!

Our server is a QB-CORE Server open to many different types of roleplay, Want to play a cop? Join the Paradise City PD Or
Blaine County Sheriff’s Office. Want to do crime? Start a gang or join one of the many gangs we have.
Want something interesting we even allow Supernatural RP. The possibilities are endless within our server.

Here in Project Paradise Roleplay we have an amazing staff team who are dedicated to helping our community
create fun and amazing rp that anyone can enjoy. Our Staff Team are always avaliable to answer any questions
our players may have within our discord!

what we provide

-Custom PD Clothing
-Civilian Clothes
-Civilian Jobs
-Criminal Jobs
-Active Staff
-Addon Cars
-Quality Roleplay
-Trained LEO/EMS
-Cool MLO’s
-Many Custom Cars


-Paradise City Police Department (PCPD)
-Blaine County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO)
-San Andreas State Rangers (SASR)
-San Andreas Medical Services (SAMS)
-And More In the Future


-Underground (LSU)
-North Side Bloods (NSB)
-WhiteRose (WRDA)
-Sinister Souls MC (SSMC)
-Lost MC (TLMC)
-And more to come

Join Today to create your story!
Welcome to Paradise!

PatchNotes V.1.0.1

-Uses third eye at gas station
-lowed fuel consumption

Car Dealerships
-PDM Now Working
-Removed addon cars from PDM
-All Addon cars moved to luxury Autos
-All Addon Cars now Under Addon Category

-PD now receives calls of criminal activity

-Job Classes name change
-PCPD callsigns changed

-Removed city Christmas map
-Removed City Tree/Extras Map
-Added Christmas Legion
-Added SMALL Sandy Enhancement

-Vehicle Classes using /checkscore
-New Racing Script (Must find Racing Dongle Location)
-Race Phasing