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For us, immersion is the highest good, which is why we do everything we can to maintain it. We attach great importance to roleplay quality and want players to be fully immersed in 1895, and our game world is designed accordingly. Slowburn for true roleplay enthusiasts.
After Hurricane Delilah, Settlers are slowly returning to the Commonwealth, aiming to reclaim what was once theirs. Resources are scarce. The State of New Austin has been claimed by Bandits. Law Enforcement, the Doctors Office, the Ranger Division are slowly being built up again helping to secure the five States.
Main Features
- original jobs like Ranger, Butcher, Brewer, Baker
- custom recipes, regardless of profession
- In-house made custom content like:
- new horse breeds
- face paints
- well optimized mapping that fits into the world - Player driven economy, where every job is viable and has a reasonal income for the long run
- full body injury system, broken bones, bleeding, etc
- removed minimap, crosshair feedback, eagle eye, notifications etc. for increased immersion
- horses will age but won’t die, they get slower once they turn old
In order to ensure business owners keep having business in the long run, manfacturing processes for a large sum of items is set up so that multiple professions can work together and profit from it.
A gunsmith for example will need a weapon kit from a Blacksmith, and a Gun Handle from a Carpenter in order to craft a weapon, in order to gain the needed resources to make those parts, said professions can either put it the work and get those resources themselves, therefore make a larger profit, or they employ Miners/Lumberjacks to work for them. Every Profession has its purpose and ways to contribute to the economy over the long run.
Forges weapon kits for gunsmiths, some furniture for home owners, horse shoes for Horse Trainers and Breeders, and certain iron parts other businesses make use of to craft their items.
Crafts gun handles for the gunsmith, builds furniture, can repair and sell wagons as well as an assortion of high quality wooden boards for other professions to use.
Niche professions in the food making, prepare special ingredients like batter, minced meat or high quality whiskey to either sell to Saloon and General Store Owners, as well as having their very own foods to sell.
Saloon & General Store Owner:
While the General Store owner will mainly offer snacks and buy product from other professions to conveniently offer it right in town, the Saloon Owner is the main Source of high quality filling meals.
Horse Tamer & Breeder:
Both of them are able to train and shoe horses, as well as putting together proper feed for them and providing people with Brushes and Hoof Picks, the Breeder is able to breed your favorite horses and help you get purebreds for much more affordable than the stables. While the Tamer is the one that will go out and Wrangle any wild stud for you.
Ranger & Doctor:
Rangers and Doctors are employed by the state and get paid for being available to treat people in need. While the Doctor is very knowledgeable in how to treat even severe wounds, a Ranger might work with much simpler techniques but therefore knows their way around the lands like no other, they will also be able to help you out shoud your horse or dog be injured
After all, Law Enforcement is what’s between you and the guy that might shoot you for the $10 in your pocket. Law Officers will go through training before being honored with the Rank of a Deputy, and who knows, some of them might make it to Sheriff one day.
Department of Commerce
The DoC is where you go when you want a business, they will take care of government loans, check in on you and your business and help you set it up in the first place.
Movie Theatre & Stage Theatre Director
The head of the Theatre is the one who will schedule shows, advertise them, collect the entry fee before the show starts and make sure no one sneaks in, if it’s going well you might want to invest in some Security.
Every player is welcome in leading positions, be it Sheriff, Head Doctor, Judge, if they are willing to put in the work to get there in roleplay.
Join us now and claim your place in the west.