North London Roleplay Active Police | Be Police Now

North London Roleplay is now recruiting Staff & Emergency Services. The server is also looking for civilians to become a VIP or trusted member to get full access to vMenu!

You can join our Discord server through this link! :muscle:

The server is based in the City of London with British Police Vehicles and Uniforms for those who are interested.

Our server contains 64 slots which gives everybody a chance to join, play and have fun in roleplaying scenarios. Failing to roleplay is a instant ban / kick from the server as it defeats the point of the whole server.

The people on the server are looking to roleplay and not give attention to those whom seek to waste time and not have fun within the server.

We appreciate everybody who has joined the Discord server, you’ll be able to find more information there like the Server IP Address and how to connect to the server. :white_check_mark: