Non-ESX Character Framework // Custom Name & Departments // SQL Database

That’s cool. I am just selling my work. like I said. This was based of another system. But recreated.

None of this is leaked dude. This was made.

This is a custom-made framework. Once again. I keep saying the same thing. This was remade based on another system If you don’t have anything nice to say. Don’t say it! :slight_smile:

I’ll leave it at this as well, but you claim to be a SSDOJ developer. If that is the case, I think you know exactly what you are doing. This isn’t original content. I was in DoJ when they blacklisted your community for copying DoJ and stealing their assets :grimacing:
Do as you wish though

Negative, They blacklisted a bigger SSDOJ. This was shut down. The owner was Hurtzy. Check Your Facts bud.

I can say everything i wanted in rules that is why there is a forum and a community here.

If you don’t like to see this kind of comments just delete the post :slight_smile:

This is clearly leaked from either SSDOJ or DOSRP, didn’t @Chezza help make one of these that looks just like this for DOS?

This is a custom-made framework. Once again. I keep saying the same thing. This was remade based on another system If you don’t have anything nice to say. Don’t say it! :slight_smile: I am the lead dev with SSDOJ. Me and my team recreated this.

This is a custom-made framework. Once again. I keep saying the same thing. This was remade based on another system If you don’t have anything nice to say. Don’t say it! :slight_smile: I am the lead dev with SSDOJ. Me and my team recreated this. If you take a look at the other questions. They blacklisted another community by the name “SSDOJRP” Please do your research!

yea fr

This is literally a remake of DOJ’s Framework…

it is

I understand that this is a custom made framework, just be careful what you make and put out to the public.

Yes, It was custom remade. Thanks for understanding :slight_smile:

@chezza this looks like your work that people are claiming for themselves

Ima just say this you didn’t make this you took it from DOSRP or got it from a DOS dev and are now selling it and claiming this as your own work ik bc i helped with the edits for DOS with chezza

Unlisting due the high amount of flags

OP please send us a copy of your resource to moderators group for approval. @N8TH3GR8

it wasnt dumped it was based off something… like all the scripts on these forums…

Yes thank you! Finally, someone who understands!