Non els version of this pack

Hello! I have seen a couple of servers that use these vehicles and I REALLY want them but I can only find ELS versions of them and my server is non-ELS. If anyone knows where i can get a non-ELS version of these are that’d be great! Thank you so much!

^ That is what the vehicles look like

^ Original Download

Try asking the original creator if they are willing to change it

They are not willing to, I know that these vehicles are out there somewhere I just cannot find it. But thanks for the suggestion anyway :slight_smile:

Ok, this pack looks a lot like Captain14’s non els pack, maybe you saw that pack with these skins on it. If not it’s still a viable option to try! This happens to me all the time anyways so… lol

Do you happen to know what pack it is? And if so can you send me a link to it? Thanks!

Here is the link to the non-els car pack,

And I would recommend using the skins from the pack for these cars, If you dont know how add me on discord and I can do it for you / help you! Calles27#0001

i would very much like to get my hands on the non-els version of this pack as well!