I’m using pma-voice and I have such a problem that if someone speaks there is no animation of speaking. Everyone can only see himself moving his mouth but not others.
What should I do to make the speech animation synchronized in everyone.
Did you solve this? The same is happening to me.
Add this to your .cfg
setr voice_useNativeAudio true
setr voice_useSendingRangeOnly true
setr voice_enableSubmix 1
setr voice_enableRadioAnim 1
setr voice_disableVehicleRadioAnim 1
Did that fix it for you?
nope didn’t fix
We suddenly have this issue too with latest game build. Happens on one server but not the other. Thinking it could be some unknown bug that was introduced? Can’t seen to figure it out.
Players can see their own mouth move but not other players.
This is a known bug on newer builds of the game.
Should be fixed once this gets merged.
Im not sure how to see if its already updated.
Do you by any chance know how its going ?
Currently this is merged, so included in the ‘Latest’ (Canary) build-channel, but not yet included in the Stable version of FiveM.
Its funny because now the problem is we cannot see our own mouth moving but we can see others. Used to be the opposite issue last year. But as I hear, its a FiveM/GTAV issue not related to pma
find a fix for this?
did you find a fix for this