No such export errors with resource for nearest postal - LUA help


I seem to have gotten the first error to go away but now I have a new one…

i keep getting attempt to concentate nil value errors now when i try to actually call the export

SCRIPT ERROR: @911_legacy/sv_911.lua:36: attempt to concatenate a function value (local ‘postal’)

Original Post:
I’m working with nearest-postal script attempting to export the postal to my chat for 911 purposes.
([Release] Nearest Postal Script)

In nearest-postal resource cl.lua they have
exports('getPostal', function() return nearest and nearest.code or nil end)

My local code:
local postal = exports["nearest-postal"]:getPostal()

But yet I get errors for:
No such export getPostal in resource nearest-postal

I tried adding the exports to the fxmanifest of nearest-postal resource and the dependency to fxmanifest of the 911 script I am using such as:

from nearest-postal fxmanifest

exports {

server_exports {

and from my dependent resource fxmanifest:
dependency "nearest-postal"

Any ideas for why the resource keeps saying there is no export? (the nearest-postal resource is starting above the dependent resource in server.cfg as well)

Thanks all.

Marking this as solved. Disregard.

hey im looking for a good 911 script to work ingame for leo, what do you use or how is the one you are making coming out

You using esx?

no but i found something