No menus showing/loading - only background image

GTA V version? 1.0.1493.0
Up to date? Yes
Legit or Pirate copy? Legit
Steam/CD/Social Club? Social club
Windows version? Win 8.1 Pro 64 bit
Did you try to delete caches.xml and try again? Yes,sir
Error screenshot (if any)

System specifications Intel Core i7-4510U, 8GB RAM,NVIDIA Geforce 840M 8GB
What did you do to get this issue? Nothing,just launched fiveM
CitizenFX.log file Here:
CitizenFX.log (32.6 KB)
Did you try to disable/uninstall your Anti-virus? - have only Defender,but disabling it didn’t help

Also add what you already tried so far:

  • Fresh windows (2 days old) (fiveM was working fine then,i just needed a fresh win install)
  • Fresh GTAV with no mods up to date
  • Fresh fiveM install

Also, fiveM is allowed through firewall, it’s set to use Nvidia card in nvidia control panel,all drivers are up to date, so i don’t know what’s the issue now. (FYI fiveM single player loads fine)

Thanks beforehand.

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make sure the game is using your nvidia graphics and not your intel graphics.

I already mentioned in my OP that i set the game and fiveM to use Nvidia graphics instead of intel in CP,that didn’t help.

Did citizenFX.log tell you anything? This just kills me,as i’ve done everything there is to do and it still won’t load menus…

Update: I upgraded to Windows 10 Pro,and reinstalled FiveM,but now i keep getting these errors,when launching:

Crash Dump:
crash.dmp (2.9 MB)

this still appears to be an issue with what videocard its trying to use.

try doing this.

or maybe this

Yeah,even GTA V was crashing,but that happened only on windows 10,but not on windows 8.1.
Anyway,i downgraded/restored back to win 8.1, GTA works fine,but still only the pink background image,and i even made a test - uninstalled intel graphics driver and left Nvidia one the only one,and even tho FiveM is running with nvidia,it still gives me no menus…
Maybe fiveM is done for windows 8.1 too now.

it works fine on Windows 8.1 it simply has to do with how the game is trying to use the one card.

Did you try doing any of the suggestions i posted at all? un-installing the driver wont force it to use the nvidia driver it isnt how it works.

Only other reason is if its a new issue with mobile 800 series gpu’s and there drivers.

make sure you go to nvidia’s website and download the latest drivers.

Yes, all drivers were/are up to date (mentioned that in original post).
And Nvidia card has always been as “preferred”, and i even see GTAV.exe and FiveM.exe in the GPU activity where it says what programs are currently running on Nvidia GPU.

It was working fine less than a week ago,only after the fresh copy of windows is where it all went blank.

Hm, not sure what else would cause it then… when it does that with laptops its typically because its trying to use the one graphics card.

Not sure what else it could be.

Can you still join servers? (by typing “connect (ip)” in the F8 console or is it necessary to load those UI?

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