No Life Roleplay was created for everyone to come and have fun and for people to enjoy themselves and have loads of activities to do solo and with friends.
We have underground cars from fast and furious only accessible to the Underground car Org, visually we are inspired by No Pixel mainly because i like the clean design however we have our own twist and design. I also got sick of grinding and not interacting so we have a real economy but its not grindy. The Police wont have a must win attitude but a must have fun attitude.
As long as you abide by our server rules and guidelines, you chose your path, you chose your story. There are many possibilities: Player owned businesses; police; ems; Non WL Jobs; 3 car dealerships; organizations; player houses; drugs and much more. We want to eventually progress into a WL server only for creators and people who apply and love serious RP so get in while you can and you never know what’s going to happen.
We are offering a friendly, welcoming and supportive community. This is a fun but realistic RP server and we hope you enjoy your time.
Currently hiring Police, EMS, 1 additional dev to help me and staff.
So what are you waiting for? Check out our discord for more information.