No chatMessage

i got zero chat inside my redm server… can’t TriggerEvent(“chatMessage”… or write anything else beside the F8 console.

then basically i ran this

ensure esplugin_mysql
ensure mysql-async
ensure redem
ensure redem_roleplay
ensure redemrp_identity
ensure redemrp_respawn
ensure redemrp_skin
ensure redemrp_clothing
ensure redemrp_farmerjob # code exemple
ensure rpf_clotheshop    # code exemple
ensure redburn

Do i need another ressource for a chat system ? Do i go harvest the chat part of my gta fx server ?
Thank you for your time, im having fun already inside the server

EDIT: oh and im praying everyday for the monks to keep up the work on my new redm natives bible… much needed info!

You need to add ‘ensure chat’ addon[gameplay]/chat

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simple and work perfectly… thank you for the help!