Nightfall Roleplay | Custom vehicles | Custom EUP | Discord & Teamspeak | Looking for department staff | VMenu

Nightfall Roleplay is an immersive FiveM server dedicated to providing a dynamic and engaging role-playing experience. Joining Nightfall Roleplay offers the opportunity to become part of a vibrant community where creativity and collaboration thrive.

My Name is Austin and I am the acting Communications Director for this server. We are looking for people for a various of roles for every department currently. The server is new, so this is your chance to be a command member of a department of your choice!


  • Los Santos is looking for Command and Supervisors
  • Civilians are looking for a director, command and advisors
  • Blaine County Sheriffs Office is looking for Command and Supervisors
  • Fire Rescue is looking for officers and supervisors
  • Communications is looking for Managers and Supervisors

If you wish to join the server, click this link

We hope to see you soon!

Hey! my name is Enrique and I am the Director of City Of Toronto Roleplay and we’d love to have you on our Dev team. If you can join our community discord and we can chat further about this.

I am looking for a developer

What is the discord of your server

For clarification so people know what they’re getting into.

Do you develop your own scripts, or do you install scripts released online? There is a drastic difference.


Hello, we need a textures developer right here, we need help with New york car textures and skin for Peds it would be very generous if you could help us here

Hey we should talk add me on discord Unix#5003

1 Like

ive seen this guy before, he takes scripts online and modifies some strings and says he made it

I Would Love For to be my developer can you make custom peds if so dm me at Shelby Mahoney#7005

I am part of a new server, I am not good with scripting at all and neither is the owner, we just need help with adding a few scripts. My discord is Beep Boop#8904

Im a dev, im always free

Bump! Looking for more members! Looking for staff, department heads and more!

Bump! Looking for new and active members for every department! Be sure to join today!

Bump! Still looking

Bump! Still looking

Still looking!

Still Looking!

Bump! Still looking! I can provide you with a

Fully Developed Roster


A discord server for the department

I am looking for a very active server

Still looking!

Bump! Still looking for a server