Nightclub Heist is a free and open-source script for FiveM. Dive into an exciting heist at a brand new Nightclub with newest top tier security systems. Such as lasers, alarms and control panels.
To start the heist head to the Tequilalala and pickup a note on the second floor. This will open the club door access and set a blip
Required dependencies
- KuzQuality Loot Areas (FREE)
- Used for spawning of the loot and the heist trigger
Optional dependencies
- KuzQuality Basic Security Lasers (FREE)
- Used to create stationary lasers as well as a simple dispatch system
- KuzQuality Security Systems (PAID)
- Used to create stationary and moving lasers, dispatch system. Visual and audio alarms as well as a hackable panel
- KuzQuality Advanced Ped Looting (PAID)
- Used to spawn the access keycard drop from the guard npc instead of having it spawned randomly
Download here | Github
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Code is accessible | Yes |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 1000 |
Requirements | kq_lootareas (Free) |
Support | Yes |