
Add newspapers to your rp server in a classic rdr2 style.
3 newspapers vendors, Blackwater, Valentine and Saint Denis (you can add more sell locations in config)

Write your own articles ! Each newspaper will display an article that you can change in the config file. You can even change the text color, insert a line break etc…
You have 365 articles ready to be used in the config file and also already registered as items in the server.lua so you just need to create an item in your database or script ressource.
You don’t need to register the usable item step.

You can also change the price, translate the texts and add a maximum of 365 available newspapers to buy in the menu.



  1. Make sure your server is linked to your keymaster account

  2. Download the sirevlc_notifications, sirevlc_newspapers, redemrp_menu_base (yes even if you don’t have redemrp), and the images (you will receive it by mail)
    but you can also download it on my discord (file channel)

3)Ensure the ressources in your server.cfg or ressources.cfg in the following order:
ensure sirevlc_notifications
ensure redemrp_menu_base
ensure sirevlc_newspapers

4)Create the needed items in your inventory database or script (see the list in the config.lua)

5)Enjoy !

Get it on tebex !

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1500
Requirements redemrp_menu_base
Support Yes