New York State Police EUP for FiveM?

So after a few hours of searching, I’ve yet to find a NYSP (New York State Police) EUP pack that explicitly states it works with FiveM. Now, I have found a few ones that work with LSPDFR and generally with SP GTA. I’ve tried to just throw those eup files in my FiveM server’s EUP stream folder, but I can’t find them in-game to save my life, leading me to believe they don’t actually work.

Doe anyone have a pack that DOES work, or have knowledge they could stare on how to get the other ones working for FiveM?

For reference, these were the two packs I tried to get working:
Pack 1

Pack 2


What did you name it when adding to your server?

I didn’t change the name of anything. I just took the files (the .ytd’s and .ydd’s) from the downloaded packs and put them in eup-stream folder alongside the .ytd’s and .ydd’s that come with eup itself.

to install this to fivem you need to use a fivem eup converter it changes the names of the files to work with fivem i got the first pack to work on my fivem server

how did you get the first pack to work? I only saw ytd files in it not actual models…