New York Roleplay Community

New York Roleplay

Discord Discord

New York Roleplay is a new FiveM community. We offer a unique experience both in game and as a community as a whole. As many communities try to copy DOJ, We do not. As we do things somewhat similar to DOJ such as we allow 24/7 role playing on our servers. But we offer many different things such as our departments are based in Vermont, Custom CAD/MDT, Events involving members of the community. We also have nice, and helpful staff members, We make sure the that your experience at NYRP is priory, We value your experience at NYRP and we will make sure that we keep that up.

We are a whitelisted community, Please visit our website to apply.


- NYRP Staff Team

still active?

Yes sir

discord link or do u have to apply first

Applying is required to get into our community. We do not handout links to our server or discord randomly. You can find the link above under the apply drop down.