[NEW] Most Revolutionary Drug Labs System | Never Seen Drug Producing, Fire system, Burner phone & ...

Revolutionary Drug Lab Script
Are you tired of the basic drug lab scripts. In this script, we worked on some out of the box features that will improve your server’s roleplay experience. We implemented realistic drug producing using realistic materials, supplies gathering with an airdrop system, lab equipment system and so much more…

Documentation (extra infromation)


  • Burner phone used for ordering supplies and lab equipment
  • Heating and pressurizing mini games in the cooking process
  • Fire explosion system as well as fire extinguishing system when you over heat a machine
  • Toxic fumes system inside labs
  • Players are able to work simultaneously in the same lab
  • Added extensions to the GTA V Labs interiors
  • Airdrop system for supplies ordering
  • Lab equipment server synced mission
  • Create labs wherever you want and assign it to either one person or to a gang
  • Ability to add keyholders to your lab
  • Realistic meth producing with realistic steps and synced animations between players
  • Realistic coke cooking adding additional steps to the basic steps making it more realistic for roleplay servers
  • Realistic weed producing with a planting, drying and processing system.
  • Different seed types for weed producing
  • Modern UI for your lab computer with a variety of upgrades

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +5000
Requirements qbcore/esx/qbox
Support Yes

Good script! Question: Is it compatible with qbox plug and play or is it necessary to make some adaptation?

Thank you! Yes, it is compatible with qbox without any adaptation. You can check this page for more information about compatibility: Compatibility | Pluto Development

didn’t you guys create this before and leave everyone with no support with no help and everyone who purchased open source get a locked script? https://youtu.be/jDYSV5jJeYo?si=CA-TonswNNpIhgHH Is this not you guys? And Im not throwing shade I was just disappointed cause I really wanted this script

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As you may have noticed, we haven’t posted scripts for several months that’s because we wanted to rebrand a more professional store with a new motivated team. We have learnt from our mistakes and ready to fix all of your problems. All the scripts should be fully functional by now due to several recent updates. If you are still encountering a problem, feel free to contact our support and we’ll be more than happy to help :heart:


I appreciate that response cause I was a big fan of yall work and creativity

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Are you able to create more than one lab type? Say I have different strains of weed can there be different labs and processes? Also can I add a custom shell for a different type of lab or is it only those 3?

Yes, there 3 lab types (weed, coke, and meth). For weed, there are several seed types and you can plant different strains in the same lab. You can add custom shells and change positions. But for the moment only weed, coke, and meth are available.

This is next level quality script, I’ll try it and will let you know if the script works as seen on the video

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where do we get support? the drug lab do not give you full instructions when doing the mission. it says deliver the equipment but when im there its no option to deliver the equipment or nothing to notify whats next kinda leave ppl jus dry

Hello, you can get support on the discord server. They will explain everything!