[NEW GAMEMODE] CIT Cops 'n' Robbers, Gang Wars, Civilians, Turfs

Days 5th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 13rd of February 2021


14th of February

Today FiveM added the New DLC Cayo Perico to FiveM. You can take a teleport and go to the island, you can go with a plane too. For now we have a stop for Pilot Job. Feel free to suggest new things for the new Island in forum → cit5.net

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If you type /settings now you can disable some sounds, for example of speaker or the alarm of the LSPD.

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I love this feature, you are able to custom your gameplay a lot :smiley:


Very nice cars

1 Like

Is this still being worked on? Theres so many issues with this game

Server is literal trash.Cops are way too op and they’re all pussies.

no its not

Greetings fellow players.
I am JRua, the current Community Manager of CIT5 Cops n’ Robbers.
You can consider this message not only coming from me, but all the Staff Team, including the Founders.

We would like to proceed to wish everyone who reads this message a Merry Christmas and that you make time for your loved ones or friends who you may spend time with in these lovely festive days.

I’m aware there are cultures who don’t celebrate Christmas or only celebrate in a further date, this message is sent to “general” and not just one by one so please understand.

                    Best of wishes from the CIT5 Staff Team!

There’s also another topic I would love to talk about as I take advantage of this moment, so please, stay and read, carefully.

For the past year and a half the community has been facing a tough path, opinions being shared amongst each others and heated arguements which we would have preferred to never happen. But as life is, we all face ups and downs. CIT5 is no exception. Although we have been quite on a tough path, we remain positive and hopeful of a better future. Which is also the reason I come here today.

I would like to state that we are now looking for a developer, if you are interested, here’s the requirements:

  • You’re 18 years old or older;
  • You have a good understanding of the English language and can communicate to others without any difficulty (this shouldn’t be an issue for a developer);
  • As part of the procedure to hire you as our developer, we will want to check your skills, having a portfolio or something to share with us that shows ur abilities is a PLUS;
  • Whatever is discussed between YOU , the Head Staff(s) and the Founder(s) please keep it private;
  • We are looking for scripts made BY YOU, not edited or copied, so do not try to fool us.

With that being said, I want to conclude this matter with how you should contact us in order to have your chance as a developer of CIT5

  • You can either join our discord server: CIT - Cops 'n' Robbers and just ping @HeadStaff at general-chat with the reason ur approaching us;
  • Or you can contact me directly through discord DM JRua#1058 (Please inform in the DM the reason why ur approaching me as well).

What’s in it for you?

  • This has been a community request in order to bring CIT5 back to the top, so you would be heavily well welcomed by our community!;
  • We will want you to follow the community ideas that we currently have BUT we won’t forbid you from following your own ideas, as long as you share them first with the Head Staffs so they can give an opinion;
  • The terms of the “deal” will be discussed privately.

Now that I have said everything I wanted to, regarding this topic, I will now proceed to a little statement from the Head Staffs.

As from today, 25th December of 2022, after a heated argument in the general-chat, avoidable but pretty much needed, the Head Staffs have found the necessity to take actions and make a cleaning in the Staff Team, SO, CB & PC roles and around the forums as a whole. We take into consideration every thing said by the community and those are the main reasons of why we moved forward with this. I could have left this out of here as not everyone needs to know, but I rather be close to all of you than keep things away and remain silent. That’s how we can work together and move further, hopefully, bringing CIT5 back to the top.

                                    Best regards, CIT5 Head Staff Team.

Greetings, lovely community.

As promised on 24th December, I’m here with another announcement.

The main post of this topic has been totally updated. You may want to have a new look at it.

Hope you’ve had wonderful celebrations and spend that transition moment with your loved ones or at a really hardcore disco shaking the booty, if not, well, there will be more opportunities.
We’re glad to see the server getting back on track from little to little, reaching a max(by the moment I’m writting this) of 34 players ingame at the same time! It may not sound that much, but every little thing is a victory and we shall continue on working in increasing the numbers. We hope to see you all join us, if you haven’t already.

ANOTHER TOPIC that I wanna talk about is: I’ve gone through forum suggestions yesterday night and 50% updated it so if you wanna vote for any feel free to check it now or just submit one of your ideas! I will keep updating the rest during the night whenever I’m free.

The Staff Team is currently going through some checking on ideas for events we can possibly host, so stay tuned!

Now, as a “good bye and see you in game” I leave you here with this lovely CIT banner I edited myself, I KNOW IT LOOKS CRAP it was like a 1min thing, made for you, with lots of love :heart: HAPPY NEW YEAR!


We’ve finally added the long waited feature coming from MTA:SA which is CITy Zones!!!

What are CITy Zones?
Basically they’re areas on different spots on the map which you can purchase and build yourself, in real time, and synced with all other players. The system offers a variety of ingame and modded objects; the highlights of this update is that we also offer interactive objects that can be used such as security cameras, spawn points, vending machines, etc.

A little trailer:

DISCORD LINK: CIT - Cops 'n' Robbers

Stay tunned for more updates!