[NEW] Fairfax County Roleplay | Serious/Professional | Custom Vehicles | Custom Scripts | Custom EUP | Streamer Friendly | 16+ | All Departments Open |

About Us
Welcome to Fairfax County Roleplay. We’re a realistic roleplay server just starting out and looking for members. We are Virginia based which adds a level of uniqueness to the FiveM world. We are a mix between non-lore friendly and lore friendly, giving multiple opportunities for civilians to interact with our departments

Our Departments
Being Virginia based we have departments ranging from Virginia State Police to Paleto PD. This also includes: Fairfax County Police, Fairfax County Fire and Rescue, LSPD, and Paleto PD. We also offer VDOT for approved civilians and communications. Once accepted into LEO or Fire our recruits go through a training process no longer than 4 hours ranging from department to department. Once approved for LEO officer’s can use whichever department they wish, provided its in the right jurisdiction. Training is done in groups to limit the amount of time needed for training.

Open Departments
Our current open departments are as follows: LEO, Fairfax County Fire and Rescue, Communications, Civilian

Minimum Requirements

  1. Minimum age must be 16 at the date of application submission
  2. Have access to a working desktop/laptop and a reliable internet connection
  3. Must have a LEGAL copy of GTAV and FiveM with both functional. (Communications excluded)
  4. Have a functioning microphone with a lack of background noise or mic bleeding
  5. Must have Discord

Perm invite