New emote menu [standalone/ animpose / previewpose / 3d view]

Some important content!

:gear:A 3D preview of the animation within the interface.
:gear:Fast animation with a single button combination.
:gear:Fast action hotbar.
:gear:Animation favoriting.
:gear:Animation preview and positioning.
:gear:Animpose system. There is a rotation system within it. Viewpoint
:gear:Client file resmon 0.01ms when not in use

3D View Example


:movie_camera: MODERN EMOTE MENU


:bulb:Standalone Open Sources
:bulb:Standalone Escrow

Other Scripts

:star2: Modern HUDV5 :star2:

:movie_camera: Bodycam & Dashcam :movie_camera:

:axe: Paintball :axe:


Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1426
Requirements compatibility (a lib - escrow)
Support Yes

It looks like you’re using animations/props from RPemotes, which is under GPL 3.0, I may be mistaken but the black umbrella prop you previewed is original to RP Emotes.

If you’ve used anything from rp-emotes, that makes your resource fall under GPL 3.0, and as such you shouldn’t be escrowing it or anything that was derived from it.

Additionally, you’re misrepresenting your resource as open source, as you’ve escrowed part of your “open-source” offering by escrowing the javascript and an escrowed dependency.


The best animation menu to choose in the new era. Excellent work again.

The most beautiful animation menu I have ever seen on fivem, you have done a good job.

sararrrr :heart:

He doesn’t force anyone to buy it. Nor does he indicate it in very small print. It clearly says “javascript is encrypted”. It’s not against the rules. You comment only to oppose. Instead of supporting the developer, you are doing nothing but badmouthing him.

That’s not what open source means. You’re not the dev, there’s no need to act like his servant and defend them, they can stand up for themselves.

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ahahaha is it normal for you to blame them and abnormal for me to defend them?

I think it’s normal to advertise your products appropriately, he’s not a street vendor, if he wants to sell resources escrowed, he should just say that. There’s no need to try and trick customers.

As for you, you’re not important - continue doing your job :wink:


If you buy open source you should get open source. Thats just fairness and common sense.

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