New copyright rule

I had a question about the new TOS update. If I pay a brand for permission to use it am I then allowed to use IRL brands inside of my Fivem server?

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Hi i hope you are having a good day
and about that question i tihnk technically if you do in fact pay the brand and you have a developt irl brand aproved i think there is not much of a problem

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If you have licenses to use the copyrighted material I’d assume so. Although, Rockstar coming in with all these corperate changes and rules is gonna kill what we all loved and called FiveM. Wish these guys didn’t sell out.


Per the TOS, you need permission from both Rockstar and the brand you want to license. Have one without the other is not enough.

As the post above stated, you must obtain explicit permission from both copyright holders before continuing.

Nothing has been changed. It’s always been against ToS when it comes to using branded anything in FiveM.

It has changed…Rockstar controls it now. Before people just brushed it off…now, Rockstar will just shut down your server. What comes with selling out? Strict rules and regulations.

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The ToS didn’t change, but the enforcing it did, but that doesn’t even matter. Whether R* had come along or not, you’d still be breaking ToS and IP laws.

It’s against the law to murder someone in real life, it’s enforced as much as it can be, but some still slip through. Does that mean it’s okay to do just because some people got away with it? Nope. Same goes for this. We had our fun under the radar and now we have to obey. Be an adult and deal with it or just go play RoBlox.


I was so happy when FiveM came out. It gave people freedom. Freedom to mod. Freedom to do more. Freedom to make GTA what it should have been since it came out.

I am now so sad to have known about the level of quality FiveM has achieved thanks to its community only a week ago, only to find out that branded mods would all be gone. RiP to all the man-hours spent making them, adaptation of 3D assets, etc. It’s crazy that Copyright enforcement for brands which are literally being freely promoted in video games should still be a thing in 2023.

Edit 2024 : Copyright does help out for brands to be able to make money by owning the digital media they produce. But I think it would be interesting to have a new international / internet law about copyright infringement saying that if the game or media that uses the brand is only promoting it and not using it in an economical way, then it should be tolerated. Isn’t there something about “Fair Use” we could play on to continue enjoying the mods that use brands?

Up for my last edit.

What you are describing already exists but it’s a moot point because Rockstar dictates what is allowed on their platform and what isn’t. Even if you wanted to go to court to fight a fair use of a brand, you would still have to comply with the terms of use you agreed to use the platform.

There is also no thing as “internet” or “international” copyright laws. Each country has their own laws. Some may recognize each others laws but that is far outside the realm of this conversation.

The fact of the matter is, Rockstar and TakeTwo for one reason or another do not want real brands in their game and that’s about all you need to understand.

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Rip to my dream of a real life sim. Haha. Used to love driving my dream cars. Anyways, now I own one of them IRL so my thirst for speed, pops and bangs is quenched.

Totally agree. Imagine having brands like Mercedes or BMW sponsoring FiveM and agreeing to fair use… Would be epic. And it could make these brands sell more to a huge audience. A good movie relating to this is Gran Turismo, in which Nissan decided to launch an ad campaign in which they let the best gamers in the world compete together with real cars.

Also, RP is all about role playing and realism, so in my sense, real brands made it so relatable. I was able to plunge into my character very fast.

Hello everyone. What about emergency services? If i use real logo and name for police station and vehicles?

This requires you to do your own research and verify whether the name/logo/etc is copyrighted in its respective jurisdiction, as this varies greatly between countries and even regions within countries in some cases. Hire a copyright lawyer if you want to be safe.

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