Hello! Another new arrival here, putting the feelers out to find a solid, heavy RP-focused server to play on! I recently got hooked on playing some single-player LSPDFR, and upon discovering that FiveM and multiplayer RP in GTA is a thing, I’m excited to jump in.
About Me
I’m a mature (30’s) gamer based in the eastern USA (eastern time zone). I’m a night shift first responder (dispatcher), so my gaming hours tend to be a little off-the-wall sometimes. I am a veteran of roleplaying in a number of media (mostly World of Warcraft and text-based roleplays), but new to GTA V RP.
What I’m Looking For
I’m open to checking out a variety of servers and communities, but the basics of what I’m hoping to find are this:
Opportunity for law enforcement RP (I’m ok if I need to play for a little bit to prove maturity/acceptance into the community).
Healthy server population so I’m not playing in an empty city.
Dedication to relatively heavy RP with opportunities for story and character development.
Preserving a sense of realism without being too overbearing on controlling player actions.
Custom PD vehicles / EUP attire.
Diversity of play opportunities in economics, housing, or other quality-of-life type of things.
Good civilian / gang communities so LEOs have something to do
I look forward to talking some of you and finding a new RP home!
What’s up Levon,
I’m gonna start by saying welcome to the wacky world of FiveM. There are going to be a lots of ups and downs on your journey but its up to you to make it worth it.
Now then, on to why I am here. I am here to help you find a good community and I think the one I am on will be a great start for you.
RRRP is run by real Law Enforcement and first responders (I will point you to our other irl dispatcher so you can say hi) and is also run by experienced members of FiveM. Our devs come from various places, even one being the head dev of DOJ a long time ago. While we are still trying to gain a bigger player base, there is definitely enough people that you can enjoy yourself. Also we are based in EST so it works well with you.
I recommend you to come check us out. My name is Arthur and you can contact me there.
Here is some of our links:
We are a Fivem serious roleplay server hosted from the UK. And we want you to enjoy it!
Our goal is to deliver the best roleplay experience. We offer a wide variety of jobs and other ways to support yourself in the city. The developers are always looking to improve and that’s where we need you! We want you to become a part of our community and help us improve even further so that we can become the best server out there.
Discord: go to invite.gg/qrp
Server IP: quality-rp.org ← Copy this link and past into FiveM
Teamspeak: quality-rp.org ← Copy this link and past into teamspeak
Here is a small list of some of the features we have on the server. (This is just the tip of the iceberg)
Teamspeak VOIP and radios
Multiple Characters!
Customized map
A sophisticated drug system
Realistic vehicle handling
multiple legal and Illegal jobs
Bank heists, ATM robberies, etc.
House robberies & Player robberies
Realistic economy
Fully customizable motels
Currently, we have 2 Gang spots available. Fully setup, with starting assets! Create a ticket in the discord if you would like to know more!!
We are also looking for new PD/EMS members to join the city as well. if you are interested in one of the whitelisted jobs feel free to fill out an application or contact us via discord.
If you want to become part of the moderator team contact us directly through discord.
Discord: http://discord.link/QualityRP
Hi @TheMightyLevon, I encourage you to check out Elite Justice RP. Applications are currently open for all departments, including Law Enforcement. You can find out more about us on the website, but if you have any questions, please feel free to shoot me a message!