Welcome to Alberta Roleplay's FiveM Post!
Alberta Roleplay was thought of on the 23rd of August in 2020, by both director Paden, and director Riley. The community is dedicated to profession and realizm, while working as a family while we do it. We are a community that belives that anyone has the ability to become anything that is provided to them. We offer a Law Enforcement position that offers Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and soon Calgary Police Service. While members of the Law Enforcement department patrol the streets of Alberta, they have the freedom to patrol as either department. We are currently keep all positions open in our community, which includes Alberta Communications, Calgary Fire Department, and last but not the least our Law Enforcement department.
You must be wondering how to join us. Well let’s make it real simple for you. You must agree to the stipulations that are listed in the doucment linked below, and submit a application. Within a week your application will be reviewed by our recruitment team, and decided if we move forward with a verbal interview in our teamspeak 3 server. Please keep in mind when your applying for our community that you must show lots of detail in all the answers necessary. You may also join our Fan Server, it will be linked below.
We are currently found on instagram, please give us a follow and stay tuned for community updates and posts that effect you. You may DM our instagram page with any questions, and we will respond as soon as possible.
You may apply for us if you have met the community requirements in the document linked above. Application link will be found below, along with ways to contact our community head administration.
Both directors can be contacted over the following:
- Gmail
- Instagram (Listed above.).
- Discord
- Riley L.#4200
- Paden R#0002
Thank you for reading this post. Hope to see you in our server soon as possible!