[NEW] Admin Livery For Crown Vic

They are not in role play, an admin vehicle is used to correct the players. Kinda like Officers Presents, when an officer is near most people wont commit a crime, while an admin is around most wont break rules. An Admin Car should NEVER get into an RP situation but to help make sure everyone is following the rules. And to sit here and bash someone skin is such a dick move, if you dont like it then dont use it. Most servers have one.

Iā€™m simply offering my opinion. If you donā€™t see ppl as potential players, thatā€™s your problem. From the outside looking in, I have no respect for ppl that donā€™t practice what they preach. If an admin shouldnā€™t engage in RP they shouldnā€™t be on an RP server. Like I said above, if your LEOS canā€™t keep order you have the wrong staff. ā€œMost servers have oneā€ yeah kids on a power trip because they ā€œownā€ a server. Last comment Iā€™m leaving, as this is literally like beating a dead dog. Pointless.

Exactly, your opinion is pointless.

This is what happens when kids create servers that are ā€œroleplayā€ servers and donā€™t understand the entire concept of not breaking roleplayā€¦ Admins should never be seen or heard, if they are - itā€™s in a secluded location away from all people and it should never be done during roleplay - no matter the situation.

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Well unfortunately for you, my server is serious role play, but I am just saying, why not complain to some of the most successful role play communities that do it? Mayfair, SOSA, FGRP?

This is more ā€˜user discretionā€™. Some people believe that having adminā€™s driving around and ā€˜sticking outā€™ from other players will make people less likely to break the rules. Just as communities IRL will do with the police. The more police presence, the less likely people are to do something against the law.

Exactly, the reason you wouldnā€™t see admins vehicles in real life is because, itā€™s real life. This is an RP server, In a game.

SOSA! LUL! I almost just spit out my energy drinkā€¦ Thatā€™s ā€œsuccessfulā€ whatā€™s successful about them? Actually, donā€™t answer thoseā€¦ Iā€™d hate for @DavidR to start having a meltdown worse then before.

Serious roleplay communities mean that Admins roleplay out deportation and rule breaks with shitheads or they admins arenā€™t seen. One of the greatest features about my community is the /report feature which alerts admins, admins can then spectate a particular location on the map or a player and hear / see everything but are not directly involved. They can privately message the individual and warn them of their rule break or just say fuck it and ban them right thereā€¦


or a different livery

Well this kinda puts me off releasing my fleet of admin cars xD

Hahahahahhaha I cant evenā€¦ LOL

Letā€™s simmer down ladiesā€¦ Or take it to PMā€™s. :heart: :mascot:

If iā€™m honest, I was just trying to help out the community. When I was new to this, I was searching everywhere for an admin car. Turns out that isnā€™t the case xD

This is a good skin, thanks for sharing. Donā€™t let the naysayers get you down. Our owners/admins are required to stay in RP (even when doing admin duties) so unfortunately I wonā€™t get to try it on our server but its nice nonetheless!

Thanks! (20 Characters)

this is cool, how do I get it to work? do I make a stream folder orā€¦?

Put the CVPI from Captain14 in your gta mods folder. Then open it with openIV and replave cvpi_sign_1 and save.

do a dev car :smiley:

Maybe haha :slight_smile: [20 Character]

1 year later