Network thread hitch warning in the evening

Hello, for about 3 days I have been receiving network therad hitch warnings on my server in the evening between 8-11pm. It causes all players to temporarily lose connection and fly off the server. I do not know why that is. All resources are running perfectly. Players are always between 70 and 100 on the server. What I’ve done so far is to change the provider to rule out bandwidth problems. The bandwidth is 1 Gbit / s in down and upload.

Most likely unoptimized resources, how many resources do you have?

I’ve already checked everything. No resource is a problem

The problem only occurs in the evening. Nothing happens on the day with the same number of players

Some sort of attack?

I can rule that out. My provider says there are no attacks

I’ve seen incredible resources that will trigger several networked events for every player on the server when somebody simply triggers a server event (and it can be triggered as often as they like). Try to run profiler when the hitches start and check for a culprit. Keep an eye on the server resource monitor too since it’ll likely show a spike somewhere.

I was able to solve the problem and yes it was a resource. thanks to all

how did you manage to solve it, I have the same problem

The problem with me was Twitter

can u specify what kind of problema was that?

No I can not. I then used a different phone