Nerve RP | Serious RP | Hiring Police, EMS, Mechanics

We have recently just rebuilt and opened Nerve Roleplay 2.0!
We are a rapidly growing community of people who aim to make RP as fun and exciting as possible for all those involved.

We use the QBcore framework and we pride ourselves on being a semi serious RP server - we love serious scenes but we also love those outrageous and belly laugh scenes too!
It’s really important to us not to limit our players in their adventures and we fully encourage everyone to be whoever they want to be.

We are currently hiring Police, EMS, Mechanics and our business owners are always looking for an extra pair of hands to help out too… or you can even end up owning your very own business!

Here at Nerve we provide the tools and opportunities to allow you to develop and grow with us, no matter who you are…

You’re a civilian? Cool!
You can…

  • Go hunting, you may even catch a big foot!
  • Go fishing, you can catch a variation of fish like a flounder or even an orca… depends how far out at sea you are willing to go!
  • Go mining, you can use a special mining laser or do it the old fashioned way… you can cut down your gems and make some fancy jewellery or just sell it as is!
  • Go deep sea diving and explore the different types of coral and sea life under there!
  • Go spend some cash at the casino and loose it all or win big!
  • Or even do some of the basic jobs that we have like pizza delivery, truck driver, taxi driver, garbage collector, towing…
    And much, much more!

You’re a criminal? Great!

  • Join one of our already established & official gangs, apply for your own or run solo!
  • Go explore our custom & in depth drug scripts like outdoor weed growing, delivery missions for dealers, cocaine, crack, morphine, heroin & meth (not just collect and stand at a table to process)
  • Find unique and rare items in two of our house robbery scripts!
  • Rob the ATM’s, stores & banks
  • Collect materials and gain experience in the crafting industry
  • Do one of our many heists
  • Get involved in the illegal racing scene with the best drivers with the best cars!…
  • Find a laptop and disabler and do some car boosting/vin scratching!
    And much, much more!

This may sound bias but I genuinely believe we have one of the best communities where everyone is so friendly and welcoming you would fit right in!
We actively develop and add new things every single day & we have staff from most time zones so there is always someone around to help!

We also have…

  • Custom Clothing
  • 500+ custom cars that we pay for to ensure the best quality and details
  • Custom MLO’s
  • Custom racing with new races being added all the time

We have a whole lot more available and to offer but I’d be here all day typing and you’d be here all day reading!
Come and grow with us

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