Need help with setting up qb-core on server

Server works fine until i get past character creation and then its just a black screen with a loading circle in the bottom right

Did you correctly connect database?

yes, found the problem was a few missing tables in the database, have a new problem though

Thats not a real problem its only saying that it took more time to load

still getting a black screen after character creation

Did you mess with core?

I dont believe so, i freshly installed qb and am having these issues

Is the situation where you have created the character the screen turns black and then the dialogue button keeps rotating in the right corner, a white dialogue button continuous and it doesn’t go any further?

yes that exactly

We have that same exact problem, no matter how many times we reset it or restarted it. Finally there was a Dev that was able to go in and he saw just a slight, was out of place and he was able to fix it. I just can’t remember exactly where he found the error because it wasn’t showing up as an error but when you actually look at the code, you could see it was 1 tick out of place. I’m not 100% sure where it was but I think it might’ve had something to do with jobs somewhere in the Police job section where we add it an extra job title in the police department, and when they close it out, they introvertedly push the comma over or something like that, sorry I can’t be more helpful but he went in and it was a really quick fix like in seconds he found it
** Sorry I was voice texting, so it might look a little strange

This is the server console after loading in and trying to create a character

And yes, that was definitely the screen. It was annoying as crap because the person that went in to make the adjustments assured me that it was all correct and then for another person to have to go in and find one, and all items spaced just slightly out of line was annoying, so if you added anything recently just go back and make sure all your stuff is matching the line above whatever you add it if anything, that’s what caused it for us but that’s not necessarily saying that something else might be the problem for you

i tihnk it may be missing sql tables in the database pertaining to player data

edit: anyone having this issue make sure you have all qb-core tables in your database:

We use a developer named Mark, who is absolutely outstanding at identifying inconsistencies in the code
MarkTheDeveloper He’s on server bazaar

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:grinning: good luck

thank u!

give me ur discord if u want ill try n help

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