Need help with re login patreon every 5-7 hours

my patreon is already like this but after that a few hours it kick me out from the plan and become an acount without plan. so, i have to re-login with patreon everytime it happen how do i fix this??

cos after it kicked me out my server became a server without platinum plan and changed to 48 people cant join the server.

this is what happened

Linked Patreon e-mail

Current Bonuses
FiveM Element Club Aurum :dvd: ----------- why is the email is none?

same prob here

same here

  • Check your active membership tab cfx should be there, if not this problem will appear

To fix this problem, finish you transection on Patreon by updated your payment

This problem is the problem that the Patreon couldnt take the money from your card.

same prob

Linked Patreon e-mail

Current Bonuses
