Need help with my problem :((

Hi, so recently i built my own pc as i wanted to get into pc gaming, and due to the current market of GPUs
i had to choose intergrated graphics, a ryzen 5 3600g with 16g ram, and im wondering if i could run FiveM atleast decently well.
Hope i cant get the help thanks everyone :))

You can take a look here at the requirements needed to run GTA V

My friend whos really into pcs said i can run GTA fine, but he said that FiveM has some excusive textures apparently and some PCs cant run it

FiveM has no “exclusive” textures. Some individual servers may stream not vanilla stuff but that is not directly related to FiveM itself. I’d again refer to the base system requirements for GTA.

Thanks i have looked at the specs and my pc can definetly run gta 5 decently, the reason i asked in the first place is because i didnt wanna get gta and then get FiveM and then it not work, my friend did say shit about the exclusive textures so thats why i got worried lmao

For the most part, so long as your PC can run GTA5, you should be fine.

However, this does not necessarily mean you can visit every community on FiveM and expect to get the same performance / frame rate as you would do on GTA5 single player. The reason for this comes down to the fact that FiveM is a multiplayer modification that allows you to play on “customized” dedicated servers.

As FiveM itself explains:

FiveM is a modification for Grand Theft Auto V enabling you to play multiplayer on customized dedicated servers , powered by

Your performance and frame rate is solely reliant on each “customization” that the server you wish to visit possesses. In other words, you may find an excessive amount of mods (such as cars, textures, buildings, new map areas, peds etc) on a particular server which means you’ll most like see a drop in your overall performance and frame rate - especially if you don’t have a high-end gaming PC.

All in all, if you’ve installed FiveM and a certain server is lagging for you - try to visit another server that perhaps does not utilise as many mods, you’ll find that your performance and frame rate is a lot better.

Both ways, welcome to FiveM, I’m more than sure that you’ll enjoy your time here :slight_smile:

Thanks! i have been intrested in FiveM for a while now and tbh its one of the main reasons i built a pc in the first place lmao, and i will definitely take your word into mind. if not i will just have to wait till the GPU market has calmed down a bit ig.

Thanks again and i hope to see you in FiveM :))