Need help with giving item when player is first join

Hello, I would like advice on how to put items in the inventory when the player connects to the server for the first time, I use ox_inventory & the server is running on ESX legacy.

I will appreciate any help, thank you

You’re using any player creations plugins like kashacters ?
And how you save the players?

Set a default value in your database within the users table

I using normaly esx_multicharacter in esx legacy

okay, and how i set the items ?

Items work same as money, so do it same way.

can you give me a code please ?

I am not using ox_inventory so I can’t much help you, but I think you will need to go into database and change default values.

ehm… where are you from ?

Czech Republic

ehm… mě jebne xdd

stává se

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pošleš mi dc ?

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