Need help with essentialmode's money system (money not showing, always at 0)

We’re trying to get a functioning money system going and basically any job we do, money does not come into our account.

I’m using trew_hud_ui and I don’t know if it’s an issue with the hud or essentialmode, i went back and basically re-ran through the installation of essentialmode, did everything right but no money ever goes in or out, just stays at 0. the 2 jobs I’m testing with are Electrician Job and ScrapMan-Job. I’m also getting these errors, dont know if it has to do with money or essentialmode or not.

I tried everything, except for using a different HUD since i saw some people have a money issue, but es_extended’s hud won’t work for me either? it just wont show even after installing es_ui just need some pointers from anyone who might’ve had this issue

i’ve downloaded: (let me know if im missing anything idk)

I’m tryna give as much information as I can, if you need to see any of my files just comment what to show

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