So, my server is running for a while now and all was good… This morning we randomly got this error ( see attached image ) :

My server is up and running … i tried the canyouseeme website… i tried the info json one … all seems good … I added rules to open the port etc… Nothing seems to be working and i’m out of options/ideas.

Please help ? :frowning:

Player are seen connecting and being allowed entry … but no errors nothing in the console

What OS are you using?

Windows: 30120/40120 both UDP and TCP
Linux: ufw allow 30120,40120 && ufw reload

Why do you need to open port 30110, its not used for anything unless you setup a separate “sv_master1” which most don’t.

If people are using a separate call sv_master1 you should only allow TCP through and preferably only allow it through as a response as ingress, as to my knowledge, does not send HTTP requests directly to the server.


Open Windows Defender Firewall:

  1. Inbound Rules, New Rule…, Port, TCP & Specific local ports:… “30120, 40120”, Allow the connection
    Name… “FXServer-Inbound-TCP”, Finish
  2. Repeat step one with UDP in place of TCP, Name… “FXServer-Inbound-UDP”, Finish
  3. Outbound Rules, New Rule…, Port, TCP & Specific local ports:… “30120, 40120”, Allow the connection
    Name… “FXServer-Outbound-TCP”, Finish
  4. Repeat step one with UDP in place of TCP, Name… “FXServer-Outbound-UDP”, Finish

If this doesn’t help with the ports, check YouTube or browse the forums – more content around there. In the case this doesn’t resolve the initial problem, reply further.

Out of habit, post edited.

Sadly didnt solve the problem … :frowning:

Not sure what the issue is. I’m unfamiliar with “Guardian”, could that be intercepting or modifying packets?

Nah Guardian is a script that detects people’s whitelist from discord roles

i re-installed my hosting server, re-installed a fresh fivem server… still get the same error i dont know whta to do anymore lol … hosting is offering no support

I also get these errors… :confused: dunno if that could be linked ?

Found the problem ! It was something very specific and new to OVH that i didnt know about. Thanks !

Was it the OVH auto-DDoS protection firewall system? I’ve dealt with that in the past and it just came to mind.

Nope, they have for their game dedicated servers a section called network where you can enter IPs used by games into a game firewall thing to open the port to… So even if i was opening the ports on the 'host pc" this firewall thats in my client dashboard would block them.


Hi, could you show me how you solved it? I also have OVH and I have the same problem :c


Hey! I am currently having the same issues. Where is this located on the OVH dashboard?

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no me deja entrar porque


como lo solucionaste ?

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