Need help referencing a variable from another file

So I am new to Fivem and lua development. I am trying to use a variable in my client script that I declared in a config file that I created. Whenever I try to access one of the variables in the client script, I get an error saying it tried to index a nil value.

This is the code in my fx_manifest.lua file:
fx_version ‘cerulean’

game ‘gta5’

client_scripts {

shared_scripts {

This is the code in my config.lua file:
Config = {}

Config.test = 5.0

This is the code in my client.lua file:
while true do

This is the exact error that I get in the Fivem console:

All of the files are in the same directory so the file paths in the manifest should not be the problem.

Load the config before the client