Need help for server list error

this is my error

[ citizen-server-impl] Server list query returned an error: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Connection refused <- System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Connection refused (

it’s in the console for the Server List but i don’t know why !

this is all code need in server.cfg

sv_useDirectListing true
set sv_listingIPOverride ""
sets sv_projectName "GTA Online French Edition RP"
sets sv_projectDesc "Venez découvrir un serveur GTA 100% Francais, 100% RP et des fonctionalité de GTA ONLINE ! Serveur UNIQUE au monde, Le premier a faire du GTA Online dans du RP ! EN COURS DE DEVLOPEMENT"

any luck ??

This error indicates that there was a problem retrieving the server list for a FiveM server at the specified IP address and port number (

The error message suggests that there is a problem establishing a connection to the server. In this case, the connection is denied, which may mean that the server is not available or that the port on which the server is running is not open for incoming connections.

Possible causes of this error could be:

The server is offline or unavailable at the specified IP address and port number.
There is a problem with the network connection between the client and the server, such as a firewall or router blocking incoming connections.
There is a problem with the server settings or configuration, such as an incorrectly set port or network settings.

but it’s not my IP the

So how i make ?

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