Need clothes convertion or ID list

Hello Everyone!

Just two day that I work to find a solution to convert thos SetPedComponent to on other format that will put the clothes on players…

See below the data that I take from the PresidentJob:

SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 7, 115, 0, 0) – Cravate
SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 8, 10, 0, 0) – Chemise
SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 3, 4, 0, 0) – Main
SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 11, 28, 0, 0) – Veste
SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 4, 10, 0, 0) – Jeans
SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 6, 10, 0, 0) – Chaussure

I Need to convert it on this format to be put on the job.grade:


Does anyone no a solution to convert or list the ID of clothes?

Thanks in advance for help!!

just find the solution:

  if data.current.value == 'state_wear' then

    ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_skin:getPlayerSkin', function(skin, jobSkin)

      if == 0 then
            SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 7, 115, 0, 0) -- Cravate
            SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 8, 10, 0, 0) -- Chemise
            SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 3, 4, 0, 0) -- Main
            SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 11, 28, 0, 0) -- Veste
            SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 4, 10, 0, 0) -- Jeans
            SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 6, 10, 0, 0) -- Chaussure    
        TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadClothes', skin, jobSkin.skin_female)



(I know this is an old post but thought id give it a shot)

So how in the end did you manage to convert it into the ESX Jobgrade form cause i simply cannot figure it out!, I hope you can help :slight_smile: thank you in advance

Yeah can u tell please ? I m like desperate to find out how can i get those ids

Did you ever figure this out? Im trying to do the opposite lol.