Hey guys. I purchased the Patoche Studio and would like to change the images in 2 of the panels as well as add a working TV in the center of the TALK SHOW stage. I have some images detailing what Im trying to do.
this will all depend on whether the files are locked by encryption.
you will need cw, blender, sollumz and paint.net
have a look in the ytd, you may be able to change the pictures by replacing the current ones with yours.
If not, you will need to use blender/sollumz to edit the textures
You can use cw to add the tv to the room in the ytyp
When you say cw I’m assuming you mean CODE WALKER. I downloaded it and it found the GTAV execute file but during set up it scans and starts ready maybe 30 seconds of files and then shuts off.
Also if you mean the ytyp file YUP its encrypted.
So I’m probably gonna have to pay Patoche to do a custom render target since the screen is curved to enable me to use it as a screen and be able to connect it to the RTX TV script.
Thanks alot for the insight though my guy.
Im gonna see why this damn CW wont complete the asset scan
Well that’ll explain that… I do have 5mods and redux.
That sucks 'cause it took me weeks and weeks to get my graphics to almost 4K quality for streaming. Maybe I’ll install it on another pc that I no longer use to launch fivem, or I may just pay for a test server for a month and redo the files there.
Seems like an awful lotta work when I may come out better off just trying to get the developer to do it. Problem is he’s havin health issues at the moment and is hard to catch, plus hes french
you need a legal copy of gtav as well if you are going to install on another computer.
If he is not in a postion to do it, he may be willing to send you a non encrpypted copy, unlikely, but you can only ask. He has after all released a lot of maps for free.
And yeah his latest release he sent to me for free…its worth a shot though…I really need that screen for MLO and Script reviews as a talk show podcast type thing