Near Reality RP | Chicago Based | Realistic | Vast Amount Of Jobs/Gangs/CPD/CFD/EMS/Robberies/Drugs/Ore Mining/Blackmarket/Custom Features)

Near Reality RP:

Near Reality RP is a server based in Chicago Illinois, where we have custom peds and police cars to go along with the rp. We are a brand new server that thrives to achieve our main goal; Becoming reality.
We have over 25 different unique jobs, 18 of which are accessible the second you join Near Reality. Some of our whitelist jobs include; CPD (Chicago Police Department), CFP (Chicago Fire Department), EMS, Real-estate, Gangs, and more!
We also include many ways to get money in illegal ways. Something easy as walking up to a random ped and taking their money and goods, to setting up a heist to rob the biggest bank in Chicago!

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