Native Reference - separate "documentation" from "discussion"

The native reference is really useful, however, most documented natives are not documented in a correct manner, because many people who edit these files, add their own personal comments instead of changing the previous documentation.


This is one of the countless examples.

What about adding a comments feature on the natives reference website, below the actual documentation, and start removing all those silly comments?

The current state of the contents of those docs makes me cringe a lot; never seen any docs like that; I think this should be a priority since FiveM is now becoming a more professional environment.

This data is usually from an import from one or more external sources which we have had nothing to do with, as goes for the implementation of those functions.

There’s not meant to be any discussion there at all, however imported data is usually marked by it being entirely in code blocks, like the ones you mentioned.

Reading the Native Reference is like reading an old high school book, that used to be owned by someone who always highlighted text and sometimes added comments like “Why would I ever need this?!”

What you need to keep in mind though, is that the native reference is pretty much a dump of decompiled natives, found by and documented by the community. So having a better documented reference is a “Collective” effort.

We want this language removed from our native reference as much as you do. As such, we highly value contributions, feel free to provide improvements over at GitHub: GitHub - citizenfx/natives: GTA V Natives Documentation