Mysql help

can someone help me figure out mysql?

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i have read that and understand most of it, but i am new to this and kinda dumb about it lol. i’ve got a database up and have schemas and tables but for example im trying to add esx_addoninventory but keep getting an error on launch of server

Okay. To clarify a little. We mostly are having issues with figuring out how esx_addon inventory and food stores work together. We keep getting error codes. We have created the table for most of it. IE: Error code 107 also from the command prompt: Error running system, event handling function for resource esx_adddoninventory:citizen:scripting/lua/schedular.lua:41: failed to execute thres: server/main.lua:15:table index is nil

New issue. Got es_extended in but now keep getting add_principal denied

Inside of essentialmode\server\classes\player.lua there should be a line near the top that says

ExecuteCommand('add_principal identifier.' .. self.license .. " group." ..

Mine was on line 23

I commented this out to remove this error

what does this mean?

Also any advice on SQL? It is a bitch and a half. Also any idea where to get a up to date version of es_freemode. Having issues with es_extended

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add -- in front of it.

What problems are you having with SQL? I run es_extended no problem. Haven’t used es_freemode.

Based on your error from before

	local items = MySQL.Sync.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM items')

	for i=1, #items, 1 do
		Items[items[i].name] = items[i].label

Is that the line you are erroring on? I’d assume if there is no items database table, that would be why the error happens… Do you have that table with items inside of it?

No. We have the table for items. it is just blank.Can you show me a format for adding items? We also are having issues trying to get the addon inventory to work. First time ever using MySql and Couchdb. For es_extended it kept coming up could not load resource when trying to connect.

INSERT INTO `essentialmode`.`items`
('pizza', 'Pizza', -1, 0, 1)

This would add an item for pizza. -1 means unlimited, rare is up to you and can_remove is self explanatory.

INSERT INTO `essentialmode`.`items`
('weedBag', 'Bag of Weed', 30, 0, 1)

This would let you have up to 30 bags of weed.

Not sure for addon_inventory. I haven’t used it, but should be the same. Make sure you run the .sql file.

Also make sure you run

start esx_addoninventory

after es_extended and mysql_async libraries. One thing with mysql-async it has to be in the main resources folder as well. /resources/msql-async

Most scripts will look for it here in their resources. Can you show me the error you’re having?

Would rare deal with how hard it is to successfully obtain the item?

Yeah, it’s up to you. You can have that work based on the items you want in there. I haven’t used it yet, but you could definitely do some cool things with it if you wanted.

This look right?

Yeah. id is auto increment, so you don’t need to add it. It’s how SQL makes it easy to find things in the database. So all you need to do is

INSERT INTO items (name,label,limit) VALUES ('name','label',-1)

Would you be interested in remote connection to our server computer where this is? We use teamViewer

Sure PM me your info

thank you again for you help

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