Mysql error Connetion Timeout

I’ve connect my server with the mysql server. Im getting an error that starts. Cant seem to track down the issue, I have no users being saved in my data base. I followed the tutorials, And I have the right stuff in the cfg, but still nothing wokrs

Heres the error

[ERROR] [MySQL] An error happens on MySQL for query "SELECT * FROM users WHEREidentifier=@identifier; {identifier=steam:110000119efc0c8}": Connect Timeout expired.

So I ended up port forwarding ports for the mysql transfer, on the Mysql server and on the Actual game server. I now ended up with a different error. Anyone know what to do from here, or how to solve it.

I was doing some Research I found out that, If you end up getting this error, its due to your Mysql server using SSh, To fix the issue do this to your server config file.
Add this to the end of the mysql_connection_string sslmode=none

just like this

set mysql_connection_string “server=ServerIP;database=DatabaseName;userid=UserName;password=Password;sslmode=none