Mysql-async & esplugin_mysql ERRORS & ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_AUTH_MODE

Server Artifact Version:

Operating System (Windows/Linux):
Ubuntu (Linux)

Error screenshot (if any):
This comes up when i start the server.

This comes up when i join the server.

Server config (server.cfg):
server.cfg (3.6 KB)

Describe your issue
When i start the server there is a error (The first screenshot) Other than that it starts okay and i can join. But when i join there is two other errors (The second screenshot) and i don’t think that the MySQL is connecting. (I am new to all of this so i don’t really know)

I would really appreciate if anyone know how to fix this and could help me.

What have you tried?
I think i updated the MySQL (as i said before i am really know to this)
I tried to find anything online but i couldn’t find anything.

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Could be to do with your ‘mysql_connection_string’, you dont specify what db server to get the information from.

set mysql_connection_string “server=localhost;user=root;database=CHANGEME;password=CHANGEME”

set mysql_connection_string “mysql://root@”

I tried doing both and it still won’t work…

I managed to fix this issue by downgrading MySQL to 5.7 from 8

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