myGoPostal | Highly customizable delivery job | [QBCore / Qbox]

A highly customizable delivery job for QBCore / Qbox servers.

Notable features:

  • Three default zones with 349 delivery points total
  • Experience system for linear progression
  • Ability to modify / remove / add custom delivery zones
  • Server-side reward API allowing you to write your own reward logic
  • Modular approach with almost every single detail being customizable
  • Language support - comes with English, Polish & Portuguese by default
  • And much, much more!


  • Average of 0.00ms at runtime
  • 0.01ms-0.04ms when generating locations (takes roughly 1 second)


Visit the documentation for a full list of features, installation & configuration guide. The docs include a full config breakdown!

Purchase now: 13.99€ + tax

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Code is accessible Partially (config & API)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~700 (excluding all config files & locales)
Requirements qb-core / qbx-core, ox_lib, ox_target, [Optional] oxmysql
Support Yes

Getting errors running the database. the resource will start but does nothing - I went over the readme file, got to the point of installing SQL and it stops there. :frowning:

Could you screenshot the errors and post them here?