myCharCreator - with Torso bug prevention and component blocker [Paid]


normally only the minor changes from the readme, but I’ll send you a PM for the case that you have problems.

Having an issue where after the registration portion, the character creator doesn’t pop up. Players are stuck with the default Freemode M ped. Also on occasion the default registration from ESX_Identity pops up.
Do I need to disable ESX_Identity?
I also have the myMultiChar script setup.


when using myMultichar, you can simply remove esx_identity, yes.
And you can have a look at the Installation instructions, there are some changes described to edit esx_skin, so your skin should always load.

Best regards,


of course you can use this together with esx_identity :slight_smile:

Yeah, basically that’s it :slight_smile:

The Creator looks really good :smiley: Does it offer the option to change your nose shape, cheeks, etc. as well? I didn’t see that in the video. Thanks

Hey, at the Moment it only includes the parts, which are presented in the video.
We tested nose shape, length etc. also, but this made the menus a bit too full.

myCharCreator - Update - 24.04.2021

  • Added a Config option so you can make the /skin command only accessable for admins

EDIT - will post in Discord

myCharCreator - Big Update - 21.05.2021

  • Replaced the skinchanger ressource completely
  • Added an option for advanced face parts:
    → Chin, Jaw, Nose…includes everything you requested
  • Added a “Save skin” button, so you won’t close the clothes menu before finishing the character (@[Outsider] that’s what I promised to do ;))



can you make this work with qbus style frameworks?


an update for QBUS support isn’t really planned. As always the script is completely free to edit, so you could do those changes on your own, but as a general update this isn’t planned.

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what exactly is the torso bug prevention?

Why isnt there a way to save the skin? Otherwise works fine but is useless that way.


of course there is an option to save the skin.
You can set up in the Config, whether you want to use ESX_Datastore or myClothesshop to save outfits.

Comparing the prices, it is obvious.
Reading the description in the shop, it is misleading:

“I want to present myCharCreator: A creator, which includes all the features of myClothesshop and much more:”

Nevertheless, I bought both as they sound promising.

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By this comment it is meant, that the compoennt blocker and torso protection from the Clothesshop are also used in the CharCreator.
But I know what you mean.

Where are the installation instructions


you’ll always find a readme with all important information.

Best regards,

Hello, I have the following problem, namely that when I have installed everything that nothing happens after registration and the character is invisible, what can I do?