hi ;
I built a new server today.
Initially runs without problems;
But when I add the start files to the configuration and run the server, the server crashes:
start mysql-async
start essentialmode
start esplugin_mysql
start es_admin2
start es_extended
In file __resource.lua , when the following code is added, the server runs but does not connect to the database!
add this code : server_script ‘@mysql-async/lib/MySQL.lua’
to : … \ mysql-async \ __ resource.lua
log run server:
Creating script environments for _cfx_internal
Found new resource cv_control in C:/FXServer/resources//cv_control
Found new resource loadscreen in C:/FXServer/resources//loadscreen
Found new resource pNotify in C:/FXServer/resources//pNotify
Found new resource Scoreboard in C:/FXServer/resources//Scoreboard
Found new resource speedometer in C:/FXServer/resources//speedometer
Found new resource suptime in C:/FXServer/resources//suptime
Found new resource vehcontrol in C:/FXServer/resources//vehcontrol
Found new resource VehicleExtraMenu in C:/FXServer/resources//VehicleExtraMenu
Found new resource vMenu in C:/FXServer/resources//vMenu
Found new resource async in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/async
Found new resource cron in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/cron
Found new resource esplugin_mysql in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esplugin_mysql
Found new resource essentialmode in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/essentialmode
Found new resource esx_addonaccount in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_addonaccount
Found new resource esx_addoninventory in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_addoninventory
Found new resource esx_ambulancejob in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_ambulancejob
Found new resource esx_bankerjob in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_bankerjob
Found new resource esx_barbershop in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_barbershop
Found new resource esx_billing in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_billing
Found new resource esx_clotheshop in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_clotheshop
Found new resource esx_cruisecontrol in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_cruisecontrol
Found new resource esx_datastore in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_datastore
Found new resource esx_doorlock in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_doorlock
Found new resource esx_garage in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_garage
Found new resource esx_holdup in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_holdup
Found new resource esx_identity in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_identity
Found new resource esx_jail in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_jail
Found new resource esx_joblisting in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_joblisting
Found new resource esx_jobs in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_jobs
Found new resource esx_license in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_license
Found new resource esx_lscustom in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_lscustom
Found new resource esx_mechanicjob in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_mechanicjob
Found new resource esx_menu_default in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_menu_default
Found new resource esx_menu_dialog in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_menu_dialog
Found new resource esx_menu_list in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_menu_list
Found new resource esx_outlawalert in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_outlawalert
Found new resource esx_phone in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_phone
Found new resource esx_pilotjob in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_pilotjob
Found new resource esx_policejob in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_policejob
Found new resource esx_property in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_property
Found new resource esx_realestateagentjob in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_realestateagentjob
Found new resource esx_service in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_service
Found new resource esx_skin in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_skin
Found new resource esx_society in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_society
Found new resource esx_status in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_status
Found new resource esx_tattooshop in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_tattooshop
Found new resource esx_taxijob in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_taxijob
Found new resource esx_thief in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_thief
Found new resource esx_vehiclelock in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_vehiclelock
Found new resource esx_vehicleshop in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_vehicleshop
Found new resource esx_vehicle_inventory in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_vehicle_inventory
Found new resource esx_weaponshop in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/esx_weaponshop
Found new resource es_admin2 in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/es_admin2
Found new resource es_extended in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/es_extended
Found new resource instance in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/instance
Found new resource mysql-async in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/mysql-async
Found new resource skinchanger in C:/FXServer/resources//[esx]/skinchanger
Found new resource fivem in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/fivem
Found new resource fivem-awesome1501 in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/fivem-awesome1501
Found new resource fivem-map-hipster in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/fivem-map-hipster
Found new resource fivem-map-skater in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/fivem-map-skater
Found new resource runcode in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/runcode
Found new resource race in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/[gamemodes]/race
Found new resource race-test in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/[gamemodes]/race-test
Found new resource channelfeed in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/[gameplay]/channelfeed
Found new resource irc in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/[gameplay]/irc
Found new resource obituary in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/[gameplay]/obituary
Found new resource obituary-deaths in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/[gameplay]/obituary-deaths
Found new resource playernames in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/[gameplay]/playernames
Found new resource mapmanager in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/[managers]/mapmanager
Found new resource baseevents in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/[system]/baseevents
Found new resource chat in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/[system]/chat
Found new resource chat-theme-gtao in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/[system]/chat-theme-gtao
Found new resource hardcap in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/[system]/hardcap
Found new resource rconlog in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/[system]/rconlog
Found new resource scoreboard in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/[system]/scoreboard
Found new resource sessionmanager in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/[system]/sessionmanager
Found new resource spawnmanager in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/[system]/spawnmanager
Found new resource betaguns in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/[test]/betaguns
Found new resource gameInit in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/[test]/gameInit
Found new resource keks in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/[test]/keks
Found new resource webpack in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/[system]/[builders]/webpack
Found new resource yarn in C:/FXServer/resources//[FiveMDefault]/[system]/[builders]/yarn
Creating script environments for sessionmanager
Started resource sessionmanager
network thread hitch warning: timer interval of 431 milliseconds
Creating script environments for mapmanager
Started resource mapmanager
Creating script environments for chat
Started resource chat
Started resource spawnmanager
Started gametype Freeroam
Started resource fivem
Creating script environments for hardcap
Started resource hardcap
Creating script environments for rconlog
Started resource rconlog
Started resource scoreboard
Creating script environments for playernames
Started resource playernames
Creating script environments for mysql-async
Started resource mysql-async
Creating script environments for vMenu
network thread hitch warning: timer interval of 295 milliseconds
Resolved live-internal.fivem.net:30110 to
network thread hitch warning: timer interval of 217 milliseconds
network thread hitch warning: timer interval of 212 milliseconds
Loaded vMenuServer.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_157347786
Instantiated instance of script GHMatti.Http.RequestInternal.
Instantiated instance of script GHMatti.Http.Request.
network thread hitch warning: timer interval of 217 milliseconds
Instantiated instance of script vMenuServer.BanManager.
Instantiated instance of script vMenuServer.MainServer.
Instantiated instance of script vMenuServer.UpdateChecker.
network thread hitch warning: timer interval of 221 milliseconds
Started resource vMenu
Creating script environments for essentialmode
network thread hitch warning: timer interval of 219 milliseconds
Loaded SQLite.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1328154538
network thread hitch warning: timer interval of 211 milliseconds
Instantiated instance of script SQLite.Main.
Started resource essentialmode
Creating script environments for esplugin_mysql
Started resource esplugin_mysql
Creating script environments for es_admin2
Started resource es_admin2
Creating script environments for async
Started resource async
Creating script environments for es_extended
network thread hitch warning: timer interval of 240 milliseconds
Started resource es_extended
Creating script environments for instance
Started resource instance
Creating script environments for cron
Started resource cron
Started resource skinchanger
Creating script environments for esx_skin
Started resource esx_skin
Creating script environments for esx_billing
Started resource esx_billing
Started resource esx_menu_default
Started resource esx_menu_list
Started resource esx_menu_dialog
Creating script environments for esx_addonaccount
Started resource esx_addonaccount
Creating script environments for esx_addoninventory
Started resource esx_addoninventory
Creating script environments for esx_datastore
Started resource esx_datastore
Creating script environments for esx_property
Started resource esx_property
Creating script environments for esx_society
Started resource esx_society
Creating script environments for esx_identity
Started resource esx_identity
Creating script environments for esx_license
Started resource esx_license
Creating script environments for esx_service
Started resource esx_service
Creating script environments for esx_jobs
Started resource esx_jobs
Creating script environments for esx_joblisting
network thread hitch warning: timer interval of 323 milliseconds
Started resource esx_joblisting
Creating script environments for esx_policejob
Started resource esx_policejob
Creating script environments for esx_pilotjob
Started resource esx_pilotjob
Creating script environments for esx_mechanicjob
Started resource esx_mechanicjob
Creating script environments for esx_taxijob
Started resource esx_taxijob
Creating script environments for esx_bankerjob
Started resource esx_bankerjob
Creating script environments for esx_realestateagentjob
Started resource esx_realestateagentjob
Creating script environments for esx_vehicleshop
Started resource esx_vehicleshop
Creating script environments for esx_ambulancejob
Started resource esx_ambulancejob
Creating script environments for esx_weaponshop
Started resource esx_weaponshop
Creating script environments for esx_clotheshop
Started resource esx_clotheshop
Creating script environments for esx_barbershop
Started resource esx_barbershop
Creating script environments for esx_tattooshop
Started resource esx_tattooshop
Creating script environments for esx_lscustom
Started resource esx_lscustom
Creating script environments for esx_garage
Started resource esx_garage
Creating script environments for esx_vehicle_inventory
Error parsing script @esx_vehicle_inventory/server/main.lua in resource esx_vehicle_inventory: @esx_vehicle_inventory/server/main.lua:114: <eof> expected near 'end'
Failed to load script server/main.lua.
network thread hitch warning: timer interval of 182 milliseconds
Started resource esx_vehicle_inventory
Creating script environments for esx_doorlock
Started resource esx_doorlock
Creating script environments for esx_vehiclelock
Started resource esx_vehiclelock
Creating script environments for esx_thief
Started resource esx_thief
Creating script environments for esx_jail
Started resource esx_jail
Creating script environments for esx_outlawalert
Started resource esx_outlawalert
Creating script environments for esx_holdup
Started resource esx_holdup
Creating script environments for esx_status
Started resource esx_status
Creating script environments for esx_phone
Started resource esx_phone
Started resource esx_cruisecontrol
Creating script environments for suptime
Started resource suptime
Creating script environments for Scoreboard
Started resource Scoreboard
Started resource pNotify
Started resource cv_control
Started resource speedometer
Could not find dependency NativeUI for resource VehicleExtraMenu.
Couldn't start resource VehicleExtraMenu.
Started resource loadscreen
Authenticating server license key...
network thread hitch warning: timer interval of 234 milliseconds
network thread hitch warning: timer interval of 203 milliseconds
network thread hitch warning: timer interval of 233 milliseconds
network thread hitch warning: timer interval of 204 milliseconds
network thread hitch warning: timer interval of 203 milliseconds
Server license key authentication succeeded. Welcome!
cfx> Sending heartbeat to live-internal.fivem.net:30110
network thread hitch warning: timer interval of 219 milliseconds
network thread hitch warning: timer interval of 218 milliseconds
network thread hitch warning: timer interval of 203 milliseconds
Performing version check against: https://api.kanersps.pw/em/version?version=6.2.1&uuid=e789afc9-fb79-4dee-560f-938ee2411c40
Started map fivem-map-hipster
Started resource fivem-map-hipster
server thread hitch warning: timer interval of 999 milliseconds
←[31mFXServer crashed.←[0m
A minidump can be found at C:\FXServer\crashes\6e3e78de-275b-4bda-b54c-306f01213c6a.dmp.
Crash report ID: f95a5cd6-e782-4a41-850f-13b8e031c863