My own server


i just made my own server on fivem and i can join and did some modding but everything works fine when i’m in it on my own.

But now i want to make it public and let people join but i’t does not seem to be visible in the fivem server list and i don’t know what to do now!

Can someone help me!?

Is this server hosted on your pc? if so you probably need to open firewall and port forward

thanks for responding!

It is hosted on my pc and i did open port 30120 as far as i know

Okay can we see your server.cfg maybe?

Sure i got this!

# You probably don't want to change these!

# Only change them if you're using a server with multiple network interfaces.

endpoint_add_tcp ""

endpoint_add_udp ""

# These resources will start by default.

exec resources.cfg

# This allows players to use scripthook based plugins such as lambda menu.

# Set this to 0 to disallow scripthook.

sv_scriptHookAllowed 1

# Uncomment this to enable RCON. Make sure to change the password.

#rcon_password changeme

# A comma-separated list of tags for your server.

# For example:

# - sets tags "drifting, cars, racing"

# Or:

# - sets tags "roleplay, military, tanks"

sets tags "roleplay"

# Set an optional server info and connecting banner image url.

# Size doesn't matter, any banner sized image will be fine.

sets banner_detail "/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/oranje-auto.png"

sets banner_connecting "wp-content/uploads/2019/03/oranje-auto.png"

# Set your server's hostname

sv_hostname "[NL] ZuidHollandRP | Nederlandse Roleplay | Custom Cars | Limited vMenu | Jobs |"

# Nested configs!

#exec server_internal.cfg

# Loading a server icon (96x96 PNG file)

load_server_icon 400x400.png

# convars which can be used in scripts

set temp_convar "hey world!"

# Uncomment this line if you do not want your server to be listed in the server browser.

#sv_master1 ""

# Want to only allow players authenticated with a third-party provider like Steam?

# Don't forget Social Club is a third party provider too!

#sv_authMaxVariance 1

#sv_authMinTrust 5

exec perms.cfg

# Add system admins

add_ace group.admin command allow # allow all commands

add_ace group.admin command.quit deny # but don't allow quit

add_principal identifier.steam:110000112345678 group.admin # add the admin to the group

# Hide player endpoints in external log output.

sv_endpointprivacy true

# Server player slot limit (must be between 1 and 32)

sv_maxclients 32

# License key for your server (

sv_licenseKey [hidden]

Ok i don’t see anything unusual, are you sure your port is open? maybe share the ip of you server

ok so is the server ip the same as my pc ip?


You can verify if the port can be reached by the outside world by trying this:

Your external IP is auto populated, and in port…put 30120 and then click on “Check”

Thanks i did the check and it is saying that it is closed :open_mouth:

I also see a (Failed to load script server.lua.) in my server cmd maybe that is something, but i don`t know where to find the fail…

Started resource vMenu
Started resource help
Started resource guns
Started resource text
Started resource nui
Started resource speedometer
Creating script environments for announce
Started resource announce
Creating script environments for mysql
Error parsing script @mysql/server.lua in resource mysql: @mysql/server.lua:13: malformed number near ‘1.a’
Failed to load script server.lua.
Started resource mysql
Creating script environments for mysql-async
Started resource mysql-async
Could not open 400x400.png for reading.
Authenticating server license key…
Server licencfx> se key authentication succeeded. Welcome!
Sending heartbeat to
Started map fivem-map-hipster
Started resource fivem-map-hipster
[mysql-async] Database server connection established.
server thread hitch warning: timer interval of 357 milliseconds

Looks like you didn’t port forward, can we see your port forwarding setup?

yeah i have it put in my router in the picture

Can you set it to IPv4 as opposed to IPv6?

I dont think so i cant find it anywhere. Do i need to enable or disable Upnp?

UPNP shouldn’t matter for this…i don’t know if FiveM supports IPv6…when you went to the site, did it display a IPv4 or IPv6 address?

You can message me if you want…so some of these things aren’t public…