My FiveM keeps crashing before i even get into a city. Please help

What is the issue you’re having?

My FiveM keeps crashing. I even FACTORY RESET my pc and still is crashing. i need help with this please. i have a ryzon 7 and 4070

What have you tried already to fix the issue?

Uninstall, re-install, tried to run administrator, deleted gta 5 and rock star, factory reset.

What server did you get this issue on?

FiveM entirely

Error screenshot(s)

Windows version

Windows 11

System specifications

ryzen 7 and 4070

Antivirus software

Microsoft Anti-Virus

CitizenFX crash zip file (‘Save information’ on a crash)

AMDRM_Install.log (2.67 KB) (1.53 MB)

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Hi, I recommend verifying the game files . If you have an antivirus, game overlays, or similar software, I suggest disabling them temporarily to see if they might be causing any issues :mascot: :wink:

Hi, I have the same issue.
I have a 14700k + 4070S and every single time i play FiveM, the software, after 60 second give me the same error you posted.

Hello, what Update Channel are you using? You can check this in FiveM’s main menu settings. Under the “Game” option.
Just in advance, try switching to Latest(Unstable) or Beta. Check both, see if they crash.

Hi, in my first reply i used the release Update Channel. Now, with the latest give me this error:

While, using the beta Update Chanel give me that:

Okay, so the same thing… Can you send the most recent crashdump, please. (Click “Save info”)
And just some questions.
Were you able to play FiveM before?
How much RAM do you have?
Did the issue start after you updated windows?

I have a 14700k + 4070S + 32GbRAM DDR5 and 4tb SSD.
I’ve never played FiveM on this pc, so it’s the first time i try and always give me this problem.
This is the report with the beta Channel Update: (1.5 MB)

Thanks, the dump was forwarded.

Thanks man, but to whom?

Hi try this :wink:

Already tried. Nothing works man (2.4 MB)

Forwarded to the guy who takes care of Adhesive.

hi mine also crashes before i enter the city but doesnt give a list of errors just takes me to the home screen

Try disabling overlays from programs like GeForce Experience, or other tools that might interfere. Also, make sure you have the latest drivers for your graphics card installed

I tried, it didn’t works.